Aug 30, 2006


Just Another Soldier is written by a soldierwhos name is Jason Christopher Hartley from the U.S.A. who was or is in Iraq, and he reports about how he can't shoot the kids in Iraq... kind of angers me. He also put up some pictures of kids that he said "Photos of the week of cute Iraqi kids who I want to shoot"

He complains "You Can’t Shoot Kids" in the title of his post...

Jason also writes: Something I can not reiterate often enough is how monumentally misbehaved Iraqi street kids are. But some of them are just so darn cute, you can’t help but want to squeeze their little faces– until they suffocate.

Some of the comments are also intresting to read, as they show how stupid some people sound like.

Aug 29, 2006

Bigotry and Ignorance of Islam

Charley Reese: President George Bush's ignorance of the Middle East and its people is well-known. So also is his habit of parroting words and sentences given to him by other people. He hit a new low when he referred to "Islamic fascists."

20 Things You Didn't Know About... Death

Newsflash: we're all going to die. But here are 20 things you didn't know about kicking the bucket.

Aug 27, 2006

ATM mistake lead to $700,000,000 credited to bank account

englishrussia: This story happened a few days ago in Ekaterinburg city, in Ural region in Russia. One man decided to add some money to his bank account via ATM. He went to the nearest one and put 2,000 roubles (around $74). The ATM took the money and returned him a slip.

Aug 26, 2006

Blogger gets harassed for wearing a shirt with arabic script


Troitsky Church in St.Petersburg is on fire

:( Just plain sad ... I suspect Chechen guerilla groups link

Aug 24, 2006

Back Dormitory Boys - DADADA

you can watch the original video here

Pluto loses status as a planet

BBC: Astronomers have voted to strip Pluto of its status as a planet.

About 2,500 scientists meeting in Prague have adopted historic new guidelines that see the small, distant world demoted to a secondary category.

Aug 23, 2006

Meet Aref, The Iranian-African!

eyeranian find this gem on the internet, it's hair raising ;) it's that good.

The boy is really sweet

Aug 22, 2006

Bloggers in Iran

part 2 and part 3

Aug 14, 2006

Bump keying

Youtube: an unbelievable security flaw in locks, this is a very good lockpicking technique, works on at least 90% of all pin locks, very interesting, the man in the video is Barry Wels, a lock and security extrodinaire.

wow, well it's time to go with digital locks now then.

Aug 13, 2006

Google Maps + Google Video + Mashup - Claude Lelouch's Rendezvous

"On an August morning in 1978, French filmmaker Claude Lelouch mounted a gyro-stabilized camera to the bumper of a Ferrari 275 GTB and had a friend, a professional Formula 1 racer, drive at breakneck speed through the heart of Paris.

No streets were closed, for Lelouch was unable to obtain a permit." link

Read the instructions, it's pretty neat

Iranian president lambasts US on new blog

TEHRAN (Reuters) -
Iran's president has launched a Web log, using his first entry to recount his poor upbringing and ask visitors to the site if they think the United States and Israel want to start a new world war.

Aug 10, 2006

Iran's latest secret chic: Tattoos

TEHRAN -- It's an undercover movement -- literally: Tattoos have become a fad among many young Iranian women who proudly display them in private but must keep them under wraps from authorities.

Aug 9, 2006

In other news

If you had enoguh of middleast, take a look at this!

Nude man beats car with pigeon

SUFFOLK, Va., July 18 (UPI) -- Two Whaleyville, Va., residents were stunned when a naked man accosted their car in their driveway and began hitting it with their pet pigeon.

Aug 6, 2006

Israeli propaganda censorship

It's amazing when I see these things... link

Aug 5, 2006

Aug 4, 2006

OK Go - Here It Goes Again

A musical on treadmills, I smell money on this one ;)


Nasrallah is a bad name to have in Lebanon, youngster finds

BEIRUT (AFP) - Nasrallah is a bad surname to have in Lebanon, as
Israel tries to break the militant group Hezbollah.

Israel seizes Mohammed Hassan Nasrallah - 14 year old - and his grocer dad, in "daring" commando raid

Aug 2, 2006

Colbert Analyzes Wikipedia

In his popular The Word segment, Stephen Colbert features Wikipedia, analyzing its Truthiness value and the application of Wikiality on ALL information. Youtube

Bush Grants Self Permission To Grant More Power To Self

The Onion: WASHINGTON, DC—In a decisive 1–0 decision Monday, President Bush voted to grant the president the constitutional power to grant himself additional powers.

hehehe :p


Wikihow: How to Eat With Chopsticks

Finally I can learn this mystery

Don't kill Harry Potter, authors urge Rowling

NY:John Irving and Stephen King, made a plea to J.K. Rowling on Tuesday not to kill the fictional boy wizard Harry Potter in the final book of the series.