Mar 31, 2005

Canadian tortured for days, says Iranian doctor

OTTAWA - The massive injuries suffered by Canadian photojournalist Zahra Kazemi while in Iranian custody were so disturbing to the doctor who examined her that he felt compelled to flee the country to expose what happened.

This is what CBC wrote now watch the video of CBC reporting this news... REAlMEDIA required or search for realalternative
Here is the video of the report
< Watch this and find out what is wrong with it...
Video of the interview with Kazami's son

Ok now what do you see wrong with this news report? KEEP LOOKING....

THERE IS A F**ing Iraqi flag there in the background not an Iranian flag, does CBC know what it's doing? Man I hate when things like this happen.

I remember in the 1996 or was it 1997 in the Asian Cups in the United Arab Emirates the showed each countries flag on a traditional arabian fishing boat on its sails. Guess what happened?...... They had the Iranian flag upside down, the ALLAH word in the middle was turned up side down, it might have been a set up by the people against the Iranian regime but it offended a lot of people.