Apr 23, 2003

Blogsky got hacked!

at first I read this comment on my blog saying this:
AK () @ 04/23/2003 15:13:
I am afraid that blogsky has been hacked:(.. By some idiot calling himself Mash Ghasem

At first I thought it would be a rumour going around then I read an article on it in IT Iran that said someone calling him self Mash ghasem, grouped hackers that hacked 100 sites is hacking again, they have hacked Blogsky the newest Iranian bloghost in English and Persian. ITIran says one of their Journalists have said on the page it said that Mash ghasem is coming back new and enlarged with his sons, and in this page it said that any interviews with the Mash ghasem group is a lie. The staff of Blogsky have deleted and changed the page that said hackers were here.
Link to the article
Snapshots: click on it to see the hacked page.