Apr 19, 2003

Picked my courses for next year

remember when I said this:

Highschool here I come
Ok as most of you guys might not know that I have turned 15 in March 9 and so that means I'm not in grade 10 so this year is going to be a new experience for me because I'm going to pick my courses for high school, something that I have never done before. well I guess I'm going to do it now, So a guidance counselor walk in to our classroom and introduced himself and starts giving our registration books and what courses we are going to take so I'm getting ready for high school and grade 10 and I guess the first few days it's going to be hard, I guess I can handle that.
At this moment I am focusing on what courses I should take, I will let everyone know what courses I'm going to take for grade ten and 11 and 12 because we have to pick them in grade 9.

I have picked them and I need to pass them in until Tuesday.
This is how my courses look like click on it to see what I have picked: