Apr 15, 2005

Notproud.com CONFESS NOW!!!!@!@!@

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I clicked on Anger and this is what I found:

04/12/2005 at 10:33:02

I utterly loathe and despise how almost every single aspect of american culture is geared towards selling me something. I read an article where they are going to have advertising in video games now. Will it bring the price of the games down? No fucking way. So now kids will pay $50 to be advertised to. And how much does label clothing cost so that you can walk around as a fucking billboard? You pay them for your body to advertise for them. They should be paying us to wear their cheap made-by-malaysian-children shit. And try to take a walk or eat or go to the bathroom without having some fucking advertisement in your face. They put ads in menus now! How much merch does that actually sell!?!?! I honestly consider moving to another country just so I can generally exist without a sales pitch being forced into my consciousness.

Angry video gamer I would be mad too but Video game advertising is not old,,, play Winning Eleven Soccer games or Burnout or Splinter Cell ;) They all have Ads in them.

Update: Joystiq articles 1-2-3