First is the new Star Wars movie called Revenge of the SITH (SHIT).... that was just hyped and only for bunch of Star Wars fans. George Lucas should get a better hobby, don't waste you money on this one, oops I'm too late. If they made this a silent movie it would have been way better, the dialogue sucked and everything was too obvious.
Second is The Longest Yard, which is a remake of the 1974 movie that is about an ex-football player who is convicted of a crime that is now serving 4 years in prison. He has been asked to make a team of convicts to play against the guards. I didn't like this movie much except for some good funny parts, the rest was just felt like fillers, I think the original is as better, I guess I have to rent and watch it ;)
I recomend all of you out there to go and watch Mean Machine a british movie based on the longest yard from the 1974 that came out in 2001, which was a great movie about Football (SOCCER TO YOU N. Americans).