Mad cow!
I was reading my news paper Herald and I read this big article on Mad cow disease, it is been a new discovering made by Canadian authorities that there is been a cow slaughtered having Mad cow disease in Alberta.This happened on Tuesday May 20, well all that SARS Canada was worrying about now it's Mad cow, there has been no Death reports on any symptoms by any one as far as I know, but there is a lot of fears around the province I live in N.S. they say that 90% of meat and beef come from Alberta every single day, those good BBQ that I have most of the summer that stake is from Alberta, but I guess this is a sweet new humming for farmers around other provinces in Canada.There is going to be more consumption for the meat in other provinces from their own then from Alberta. There is also warnings about not eating any meat from fast food restaurants like Wendy's and McDonalds now their hamburgers and meals are cheaper.Well there is a lot of things going on because of this in Canada.
Mad cow in Canada (NEWS)